“Teka” is the brand name of Pars Pharmed Pharmaceutical Company in the field of pharmaceutical industry. The word “Teka” is derived from the words “Apteka” and “Apotek“ which means pharmacy in Latin languages.
Pars Pharmed Company was established in 2016 with the aim of achieving new export markets for Iran’s food and pharmaceutical products and cosmetic industries and the main impetus of the company is the expansion of pharmaceutical and therapeutic services throughout the region, thus helping people have happier and healthier life while improving public health.
Pars Pharmed Company, through private label manufacturing contracts with the leading pharmaceutical companies in Iran, has been manufacturing pharmaceutical products under the trademark
“Teka Pharmed” and exporting these products to regional countries including Tajikistan. Furthermore, Pars Pharmed company through cooperation with reputable pharmaceutical companies in other countries including Turkey, Germany, Italy, India and Russia has joined the international pharmaceutical supply network and is ready to supply pharmaceutical deficiencies and shortages in Iran and other countries.